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11 Reasons Why and How to Support Local Businesses During the Pandemic

Colorado is an artistic state full of diversity from open spaces, mountain ranges, and spectacular views to downtown "5280" lifestyle full of "umami" places to eat and explore.

The residents here are likewise diverse coming from across the globe and enhancing its beauty. Unfortunately, like the rest of the world, we've experienced the most dramatic change in our lives yet.

The culprit, coronavirus (aka COVID-19) also known as the "invisible enemy" this keeping us all indoors away from the places and people we love. This virus has caused a tremendous loss. Loss of employment or lack of work to keep up with the expenses but worst of all, the loss of loved ones. During this time it's necessary to use local small businesses. To The T Plumbing & Heating wants to share why you should and how you can.

  1. Save yourself money. The overhead for small businesses is substantially less which means you don't pay for their marketing along with your needs for their service!

  2. These are your neighbors. Small businesses are people like you with families trying to make a living. When you have a need why not support them?

  3. Help the economy at a pivotal time. Despite this pandemic, the essential workers are available. Choose wisely. It's been said that "Small businesses are the economic engine of the U.S." You help them help you.

  4. Do your research. Find your local businesses, your local plumber (To The T Plumbing and Heating) electrician, mechanic, etc. Don't default to commercial businesses because you hear the name often. Research the company call and inquire. Ask what they're doing to support the community and check out their reviews.

  5. You know the people behind the product. With small family-owned businesses, you're often working directly with the owner. They take pride in their work and happily offer the best client experience. Not just because they care but let us be honest, their name is on the line.

  6. Community involvement. They are the community so they get involved but also give back in any way possible. Just a side note, Megan (aka Mrs. Trail) co-owner of To The T is also a teacher at Brighton high school.

  7. Support people who strive to succeed. Entrepreneurs work hard and want to be successful. They also want to see others succeed and see the value in doing so.

  8. Shout outs. Give small businesses shout outs on your social media channels. This costs you nothing but means everything to your followers who need a service. They may not know about the business and it means everything to the company.

  9. Consider a small business before hitting "buy." We've got more time now with just eliminating our travel, you've got time to do your research. Do your due diligence and search the internet, you may be surprised that a small business offers what you're looking for. This will save you and them.

  10. Order take out. Having food delivered or ordering take out is complete bliss right now. And eliminates all those dishes you've been doing, that's a win!

  11. Don't cancel, instead, reschedule. Every business has a strict schedule if you cancel they not only lose your business but the client they turned away as well because the slot you took was full.

This pandemic will forever change the world; it already has. "Don't let a bad situation bring out the worst in you." Take this opportunity and bring out the best in yourself. Having a purpose brings joy, even in the most difficult conditions, it feels great to give back.

Keep in mind the golden rule, treat others the way you want to be treated. If you are or were operating a small business a Facebook shout out or share would mean the world to you. That client who exerted the time to submit a review would keep you smiling despite the risk you're taking. Consider what the essential workers do for you. The doctors, nurses, grocery workers, drivers, plumbers, electricians, mailmen, etc.

Whether you're sending shout outs, buying gift cards, ordering out, know you've done something that means the world to someone and in cases like ours, an entire family.

From our family to yours, take good care, stay home, stay well, and stay strong. We're all in this together!

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